In the Junior Academy Program, we follow the child’s lead and introduce structured activities that have specific goals in mind. Well trained teachers will keep the children engaged and interested while working on cognitive, sensory and motor skills. The curriculum is designed to prepare the child to be successful in our Preschool Academy program.
Develop healthy bodies and minds
Establish a sense of comfort in a nurturing and loving environment
Develop a sense of security
Improve gross and fine motor movements
Enhance communication skills and clarity of speech
Develop healthy eating habits
Stimulate the mind based on Montessori and Reggio philosophies
Enhance creativity and imagination
Heighten the senses
Establish good social habits
Key Components
Cognitive Abilities – Developing concentration, focus and memory
Motor Skills – Practicing fine and gross motor movements
Sensory Awareness – Exploring and discovering while using the senses
Language Development – Developing receptive and expressive language
Socialization – Fostering good social habits
Practical life – Improving body control, coordination and developing a sense of order
Music and Art – Developing musical and creative abilities
Movement – Developing body control and coordination while engaging in indoor and outdoor activities!
Additional Options
Introduction to Music:
Our music program is developed and conducted by Music Together, an international early childhood music and movement program. This research based, developmentally appropriate music curriculum will bring out your child’s creative and artistic side. Our program consists of singing, dancing and making music. Children are intrinsically drawn to music and we believe it is important to explore their musical abilities. Children will learn to move their body to music by clapping, stomping, rocking and dancing to the rhythm while enjoying simple instruments such as tambourines, bells and rattles.
Introduction to Yoga:
The benefits of Yoga for young children is immeasurable! Yoga will instill
a positive attitude
an ability to self-calm
a sense of mind and body coordination
a sense of peace
a sense of self confidence
Yoga is part of our daily routine at Options Academy!
Arts and Crafts:
Children love to experience paints, clay and different textures from a very young age. Children are encouraged to explore, use their senses, improve their motor skills and develop their hand-eye coordination while getting messy and colorful!
Home Economics:
In our home economics program, children will participate in preparing simple snacks such as fruits, vegetables and various whole grain foods. This option is designed to expose children to nutritious food options, to heighten their senses and to increase independence and confidence!
Children improve their gross motor skills while playing and exploring in our gross motor room. This room consists of: